Saturday, August 7, 2010

Have Your Cake and Wear It, Too

I love food.  I love big, tacky jewelry.  I love when I can combine the two.  Ok, I'm not the one doing the combining.  A certain Handsome Savage dabbles in jewelry design.  Just one of his many talents.  While I often provide him with cooking advice and samples, I receive handicrafts in return.  His newest jewelry adventure involves rings made out of tiny household products:  toilet paper, trays of beer, and, my favorite, foods.  Just yesterday, I became the proud owner of a cake ring.  A ring with a cakeplate and a big sparkly pink cake.  Everyone loves cake.  It makes people happy.  The same Handsome Savage is even having a cake tattooed on his arm as we speak.  Now I can look down whenever I am feeling sad and be cheered up by my happy cake ring.  It's fantastic.

If you are interested in your own piece of original household-item or food-related jewelry, you can contact LA by visiting the above link to his blog or following the link from the menu on the left.  If that is too much work for you, let me know what you'd like and I'll pass it on.  An Etsy boutique is also in the works.  Be the first on your block to wear an authentic Handsome Savage beer tray ring!

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